A still image captures a moment in time. What will you do with your moment?
With the proliferation of video – in large part due to its preference by social media platform algorithms – it may seem like still graphics are a thing of the past. But a still capture freezes time, and this capture can sometimes tug on the emotions of your preferred audience better than video. Especially when done correctly by professionals who know who to communicate to an audience using still images and graphics.
We'd learn more about the founder's vision or organization's background to better grasp the why behind their objective(s).
We strategize on how the graphic we're designing achieves the objective while seamlessly being a supplementary solution in its respective ecosystem, potentially creating additional avenues of revenue.
Design Philosophy
Our design team meets with our strategy consulting team, alongside other cross-functional teams, to ideate the design philosophy that'll produce the aforementioned results.
Drafts & Revisions
Upon architecting a step-by-step outline of your graphic, we move to production and start delivering drafts for your revision requests or approval.