Okigwe Creations
Packaging / Product Design

You have the consumer’s attention for mere seconds. How will you use it?

Life rewards risk-takers. Well, turns out the market does too. With a sea of competition out there, you need packaging and product design that’ll make customers do a double take just because ‘something’ about the packaging caught their eye. We eat with our eyes so no matter how good your product is without packaging that aligns it to its respective audience, it’ll just sit on the shelf.

'Our market is very new, so we didn't know how to position ourselves to the right niche, but we knew we wanted our packaging embody our story. Tht's exactly what the team over at Okigwe Creations did'
Linda McGee
Co-founder Coda Signature Chocolates
Our Process

We'd learn more about the founder's vision or organization's background to better grasp the why behind their objective(s).


We strategize on how the graphic we're designing achieves the objective while seamlessly being a supplementary solution in its respective ecosystem, potentially creating additional avenues of revenue.

Design Philosophy

Our design team meets with our strategy consulting team, alongside other cross-functional teams, to ideate the design philosophy that'll produce the aforementioned results.

Drafts & Revisions

Upon architecting a step-by-step outline of your graphic, we move to production and start delivering drafts for your revision requests or approval.

BOTTLES, Cartons, Carriers, and More

Let's make your product's packaging your #1 sales tool