You're a trend setter. A creative visionary. Let us help you go from hype to results.

Music videos have been a commercial hit since MTV, but we’ve seen sky-rocketing engagement from social media for hobbies as people share more parts of their lives with followers to come along the journey with them. The best part is that the algorithms love it!
At Okigwe Creations, we have a passion for sharing your passions! So whether you’re a professional recording artist with a new song, or you just went on a trip and got some footage you’d like to use to make a vlog or travel video, or want to show off some gnarly moves in that new video game, let us help you generate hype and followers around your passion.

We'd learn more about the creator's vision to better grasp the why behind their objective(s)
We strategize on how the video we're editing achieves the objective while seamlessly being a supplementary solution in its respective ecosystem, potentially creating additional avenues of revenue.
Design Philosophy
Our design team meets with our strategy consulting team, alongside other cross-functional teams, to ideate the design philosophy that'll produce the aforementioned results.
Drafts & Revisions
Upon architecting a comprehensive copywrite of your video, we move to production and start delivering drafts for your revision requests or approval.